A huge project! I've been working on this site with the Canadian Biogas Association for over 11 years now. We've had over 1.2million visitors and it contains over 500 archives news updates. We needed an updated look and feel. We also needed a new CMS.
When I say new CMS, I mean update. The site is built on ExpressionEngine. But the original site was in EE2. I'd been wanting to upgrade to EE3, but various issues kept that from happening. So, when it was proposed we update the design, I suggested (more like insisted) that I redesign the database and CMS setup. The site was 6 years old.
Over the course of the update, I managed to re-jig the database fields and successfully upgrade our current site. Yay! This saved a whole lot of time and I was instead able to remove and adjust all the content without having to re-enter into a fresh database.
Anyways, I could go on and on and on, but you're probably more interested in seeing some samples.
Note: design by Peter Grecco.